Sunday, April 17, 2005

General Wesley Clark Announces 2008 Presidential Run

Acording to several Wes Clark message boards, the General announced his intentions to again run for the Democratic nomination for President yesterday at the Figueroa Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles.

This is great news. By all indications, Clark is the type of Democrat this country needs. FDR-like in his appeal, he is social liberal, a fiscal conservative (wait! conservatives aren't that fiscally sound anymore. But he is!), and his national defense bona fides are impeccable.

This is great news for my party and moderates on the other side of the aisle should really consider crossing over to vote for him. It would be a major blow to the Christian Taliban infecting your party. Reagan Democrats, can I get a high five for just one election?

Speaking of Reagan, Wes Clark seems to be taking a page from his playbook. The DailyKos is reporting that Clark has said "Americans will believe that a Democratic Commander in Chief will defend them when they first become convinced that "Democrats will defend other Democrats." The Dailykos is known for slamming Democrats who don't meet certain litmus tests so I hope he/she is paying attention.

Oh, I was saying something about Reagan's playbook? Well, the technique was called Reagan's 11th Commandment: "Thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican"

I think it's time for Democrats to quit their silly "Democratic Party Moral Purity and Political Correctness Tests," forbid the cirular firing squads that have hindered then for so long, and get back on the winning track.


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